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Why did Jerry Brown *F*me?

24 Apr

Lot’s has happened since I started this blog and one of the most pressing things that I want to be “well-informed” about is childhood vaccines : the risks, the data, the trust and the best option for my kids.

Thanks to a shared-book, “The Parent’s Concise Guide to Childhood Vaccinations,” from a friend, Cathy, I’ve started looking into the issue.

At this time, I have two daughters.  Zelda 19mo and Odessa 5mo.  Although it is near impossible with two young kids to find time for yourself or for your education, I know we will have more children, so I’d like to educate myself to the best of my ability – now.

In June of 2015 California’s Governor, Jerry Brown, signed “one of the nations toughest” vaccines laws (SB277) barring “barred religious and other personal-belief exemptions for schoolchildren” (LA Times Article).  Why?

It seams the reason for the extreme measure was because in the December of 2014 there was a measles outbreak that started at Disneyland and “quickly spread across the west” affecting 150 children (that’s it?  Did anyone die?).


“California joins Mississippi and West Virginia as the only states to ban vaccination waivers based on religion. All 50 states require immunization of children starting school, although about 20 allow exemptions based on personal beliefs.”

“Only medical exceptions will be allowed for those entering day care and kindergarten. Children with physician-certified allergies and immune-system deficiencies, for example, will be exempted.

Parents can still decline to vaccinate children who attend private home-based schools or independent studies off campus.

“The science is clear that vaccines dramatically protect children against a number of infectious and dangerous diseases,” Brown said in a prepared statement. “While it’s true that no medical intervention is without risk, the evidence shows that immunization powerfully benefits and protects the community.””

“Vaccination rates in California’s kindergarten classes steadily declined between 2001 and 2013, particularly in affluent and coastal areas of the state.”

I find it fascinating that all of the doctor’s quoted in this article are male, and seriously… only 150 people infected? That is nothing.

My husband and I just moved back to California from North Carolina, where we were unaware of the public education consequences of not vaccinating, fully, our oldest, Zelda.  We have given her DTAP and a handful of others, but passed on HepB and Rotovirus.  For a number of reasons, one being common sense with HepB (she is not sharing needles or having unprotects sex with anyone at 12mo.. hello) and another that she has eczema and that we have a history of autoimmune issues in our family (my younger brother has Vitiligo).  We were 1 week away from me going back to work & I got hit with the hard truth that no nursery school could take her.  Can you imagine?  1 week out and we have to figure out our alternative options, all of which are far more expensive than a nursery school.  It was and is really challenging & stressful.

Coffee //

23 Jun

Negative Affects of Coffee

One of the conclusions I am definitely drawing (and have been aware of for a while), is that I am highly affected by coffee.  It leaves me wondering, does coffee affect women in a different way than it affects men?  Certain blood types? Certain personalities?  Essentially, I know I am not the only one affected so intensely by coffee, and most others that share this with me are women.  I wonder if there is somethings there.  Below are my experiential notes:


  • Jittery
  • Shaky Hands
  • Anxiety
  • Impatience
  • Uncontrolled Intensity
  • Out of control, fast pace of thoughts
  • Difficulty being still
  • Difficulty listening for extended periods of time
  • Feels like I can’t stop talking when I know the time to stop talking has passed
  • Sometimes, increase heart rate and increase in the intensity of my heart beat
  • Dry skin
  • Dehydrating
  • Sometimes a crash after a few hours


  • Increase productivity (eh hem… like this post)
  • Sensual enjoyment of coffee’s aroma and taste
  • Emotional enjoyment of my associations of coffee with friends, my husband, my brothers.  I really enjoy the ritual of making it and drinking it.
  • Laxative and positive digestive affects
  • Appetite suppressant
  • Increase alertness